Correspondences & Symbols of Ostara

Symbols used to represent Ostara include the egg-for fertility and reproduction, and the hare-for rebirth and resurrection, the New Moon, butterflies and cocoons. Symbolically, many Pagans choose to correspond Ostara by the planting of seeds, potted plants, ringing bells, lighting new fires at sunrise, either in the fireplace, in the cauldron, or light a balefire outdoors. I ever give myself a gift of a newly potted plant or take a seed and constitute it within my cast Circle. Ritually, a fire may be lit in the cauldron during (not before) the rite itself. You may want to decorate your altar with a colorful bouquet of Spring wildflowers. Other traditional activities include working on magickal gardens and practicing all forms of  herbal work—magickal, creative, medicinal, culinary, and corrective. author unknown

Ostara Deities: Eostre, the boyish Bound Maiden, the adolescent Spring Lord, All Youthful and Virile Gods and Goddesses, Sun Gods, Female parent Goddesses, Love Goddesses, Moon Gods and Goddesses, and all Fertility Deities including :Persephone, Blodeuwedd, Eostre, Aphrodite, Athena, Gaia, Cybele, Hera, Isis, Ishtar, Minerva, Venus, Robin of the Woods, the Light-green Man, Cernunnos, Lord of the Greenwood, The Dagda, Attis, The Great Horned God, Mithras, Odin, Thoth, Osiris, and Pan.

Symbolism of Ostara: Renewed promise of life, The Wedlock of the Goddess and the God, Fertility, and dispensing of the old and making manner for the new.Resurrection of life , The Season of Rebirth

Symbols of Ostara: Eggs, bunnies, new moon, butterflies, cocoons, dragons, flowers,trees.

Colors: lemon yellow, pale green and pale pink. Other appropriate colors include green, all pastels, Robin'south egg bluish, violet, and white.

Ostara Foods: eggs, egg salad, hard-boiled eggs, honey cakes, first fruits of the flavor, fish, cakes, biscuits, cheeses, love and ham. You lot may also include foods made of seeds, such as sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds, as well as pine nuts. Sprouts are as appropriate, every bit are leafy, light-green vegetables.

Plants and Herbs: acorn, broom, celandine, cinquefoil, crocuses, daffodil, dandelion, dogwood, elder, ginger, Gorse, honeysuckle (woodbine), iris, jasmine, jonquils, irish gaelic moss, lavender, lemon balm, lilac, Lily, lily of the valley, lovage, marjoram, meadowsweet, narcissus, oak, oakmoss, olive, orris root, peony, rose, rose hips, sage, snowdrops, strawberry, tansy, tarragon, thyme, trefoil (regal clover), tulip, vervain, violet, willow, woodruff and all spring flowers.

Incense: jasmine, frankincense, myrrh, dragon's blood, cinnamon, nutmeg, aloes wood, benzoin, musk, African violet, sage, strawberry, lotus, violet flowers, orangish skin, or rose petals.

Gemstone: agate, amazonite, amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, clear quartz crystal, garnet, lapis lazuli, moonstone, cherry jasper and rose quartz.

Spellwork for Ostara: Spellwork for improving communication and group interaction are recommended, equally well as fertility, balance and abundance

Animals and Mythical Beasts: rabbits,snakes,unicorns, merpeople, and pegasus

Candle Colors: Xanthous and Green.

Tree: The Alder, a tree sacred to the God Bran, who is said to protect the British Isles. Trees are very
important to Witches, and indeed important to us all. They are the lungs of the Globe, purifying the very air we breathe as they shade united states and protect us.

Directly from

Raven and Crone

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different paradigm or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief caption written past a professional astronomer.

2022 March 20

A Picturesque Equinox Sunset

Image Credit & Copyright:Roland Christen

Explanation:What'southward that at the end of the road? The Dominicus. Many towns take roads that run due east – westward, and on ii days each yr, the Lord's day rises and sets right down the center. Today is i of those days: an equinox. Not simply is today a day of equal night ("aequus"-"nox") and 24-hour interval fourth dimension, merely besides a twenty-four hours when the lord's day rises precisely to the east and sets w. Featured here is a picturesque road in northwest Illinois, United states that runs approximately east -west. The image was taken during the March Equinox of 2015, and shows the Dominicus downward the road at sunset. In many cultures, this March equinox is taken to exist the first twenty-four hours of a season, typically jump in Earth'south northern hemisphere, and autumn in the south. Does your favorite street run east – westward? Tonight, at sunset, yous tin find out with a quick glance.

History of Ostara, The Bound Equinox

The word Ostara is merely one of the names applied to the celebration of the spring equinox on March 21. The Venerable Bede said the origin of the word is actually from Eostre, a Germanic goddess of jump. Of form, it'due south too the same time as the Christian Easter commemoration, and in the Jewish faith, Passover takes identify likewise. For early Pagans in the Germanic countries, this was a time to celebrate planting and the new ingather season.

Typically, the Celtic peoples did non celebrate Ostara as a holiday, although they were in tune with the changing of the seasons.

According to,

"At the ruins of Chichen Itza, the aboriginal Maya urban center in Mexico, crowds now gather on the leap (and fall) equinox to scout as the afternoon sun creates shadows that resemble a snake moving forth the stairs of the 79-foot-tall Pyramid of Kukulkan, also called El Castillo. On the spring equinox, the snake descends the pyramid until it merges with a large, serpent head sculpture at the base of the structure. While the Maya were skilled astronomers, it's unknown whether they specifically designed the pyramid to align with the equinox and create this visual issue."

A New Day Begins

A dynasty of Persian kings known as the Achaemenians celebrated the jump equinox with the festival of No Ruz, which ways "new day." It is a celebration of hope and renewal still observed today in many Western farsi countries, and has its roots in Zoroastrianism.

In Iran, a festival chosen Chahar-Shanbeh Suri takes place correct before No Ruz begins, and people purify their homes and leap over fires to welcome the xiii-twenty-four hours celebration of No Ruz.

Mad as a March Hare

Spring equinox is a time for fertility and sowing seeds, and then nature'south fertility goes a lilliputian crazy.

In medieval societies in Europe, the March hare was viewed as a major fertility symbol. This is a species of rabbit that is nocturnal virtually of the year, but in March when mating season begins, there are bunnies everywhere all day long. The female of the species is superfecund and can excogitate a 2nd litter while even so significant with a commencement. As if that wasn't enough, the males tend to get frustrated when rebuffed by their mates, and bounce around erratically when discouraged.

The Legends of Mithras

The story of the Roman god, Mithras, is like to the tale of Jesus Christ and his resurrection. Born at the winter solstice and resurrected in the leap, Mithras helped his followers arise to the realm of light afterward death. In one legend, Mithras, who was popular amongst members of the Roman military, was ordered by the Sun to cede a white bull. He reluctantly obeyed, but at the moment when his knife entered the creature'due south body, a miracle took identify. The balderdash turned into the moon, and Mithras' cloak became the night heaven. Where the balderdash'south blood fell flowers grew, and stalks of grain sprouted from its tail.

Spring Celebrations Effectually the World

In aboriginal Rome, the followers of Cybele believed that their goddess had a espoused who was born via a virgin birth.

His proper noun was Attis, and he died and was resurrected each yr during the time of the vernal equinox on the Julian Calendar (betwixt March 22 and March 25).

The indigenous Mayan people in Key American accept celebrated a leap equinox festival for x centuries. As the sun sets on the day of the equinox on the great ceremonial pyramid, El Castillo, Mexico, its "western face…is bathed in the late afternoon sunlight. The lengthening shadows announced to run from the top of the pyramid's northern staircase to the lesser, giving the illusion of a diamond-backed snake in descent." This has been chosen "The Return of the Lord's day Serpent" since ancient times.

According to the Venerable Bede, Eostre was the Saxon version of a Germanic goddess called Ostara. Her feast day was held on the full moon following the vernal equinox–nigh the identical calculation every bit for the Christian Easter in the west.

In that location is very petty documented prove to prove this, just one popular legend is that Eostre found a bird, wounded, on the footing belatedly in winter. To relieve its life, she transformed it into a hare. But "the transformation was not a complete ane. The bird took the appearance of a hare but retained the power to lay eggs…the hare would decorate these eggs and leave them as gifts to Eostre."
Modern Celebrations

This is a good time of year to showtime your seedlings. If you grow an herb garden, get-go getting the soil ready for late leap plantings. Celebrate the balance of light and dark as the sun begins to tip the scales, and the return of new growth is almost.

Many modern Pagans mark Ostara as a time of renewal and rebirth. Take some time to gloat the new life that surrounds y'all in nature–walk in a park, lay in the grass, hike through a forest. As you lot do so, observe all the new things beginning around you–plants, flowers, insects, birds. Meditate upon the ever-moving Wheel of the Twelvemonth, and celebrate the alter of seasons.


Patti Wigington
Published on


A traditional Vernal Equinox pastime: become to a field and randomly collect wildflowers [Give thanks the flowers for their sacrifice before picking them, using a collection formula such as can be found in "An Herbal Grimoire"]. Or buy some from a florist, taking ane or two of those that appeal to you. Then bring them home and divine their magickal meanings by the employ of books, your own intuition, a pendulum or by other means. The flowers you lot've chosen reveal your inner thoughts and emotions.

Information technology is important at this time of renewed life to plan a walk (or a ride) through gardens, a park, woodlands, forest and other green places. This is non merely practise, and y'all should be on no other mission. Information technology isn't fifty-fifty just an appreciation of nature. Make your walk celebratory, a ritual for nature itself.

Other traditional activities include planting seeds, working on magickal gardens and practicing all forms of herb piece of work – magickal, medicinal, cosmetic, culinary and artistic.

Foods in melody with this day (linking your meals with the seasons is a fine way of attuning with nature) include those fabricated of seeds, such as sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds, every bit well as pine basics.

Sprouts are equally appropriate, as are leafy, greenish vegetables. Flower dishes such as blimp nasturtiums or carnation cupcakes as well discover their place here. [Find a book of flower cooking or simply brand spice cupcakes. Ice with pink frosting and place a fresh carnation petal on each cupcake. Stuff nasturtium blossoms with a mixture made with cream cheese, chopped nuts, chives and watercress.]

You can use this link to become frontward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If you lot are curious, you tin can fifty-fifty detect out what phase the Moon was in when you or anyone else was born.


The Moon'southward current phase for today and tonight is a Waning Gibbous Phase. This is the showtime phase after the Full Moon occurs. Information technology lasts roughly 7 days with the Moon's illumination growing smaller each mean solar day until the Moon becomes a Last Quarter Moon with an illumination of 50%. The average Moon rise for this phase is betwixt 9pm and Midnight depending on the age of the phase. The moon rises afterwards and later each night setting after sunrise in the forenoon. During this phase the Moon tin likewise be seen in the early morning daylight hours on the western horizon.

Visit the March 2022 Moon Phases Calendar to run across all the daily moon stage for this calendar month.

Today'southward Waning Gibbous Stage

The Waning Gibbous on March xx has an illumination of 94%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated past the Dominicus. The illumination is constantly irresolute and can vary up to ten% a day. On March twenty the Moon is 17.05 days old. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all eight Moon phases.

The 8 Lunar Phases

At that place are viii lunar phases the Moon goes through in its 29.53 days lunar cycle. The 4 major Moon phases are Full Moon, New Moon, Beginning Quarter and Terminal Quarter. Between these major phases, there are iv pocket-size ones: the Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Gibbous and Waning Crescent. For more info on the Moon Bicycle and on each stage check out Wikipedia Lunar Stage page.

Phase Details

Stage: Waning Gibbous
Illumination: 94%
Moon Historic period: 17.05 days
Moon Bending: 0.53
Moon Altitude: 373,086.34 km
Dominicus Angle: 0.54
Dominicus Distance: 149,007,977.84 km

Useful Moon Resources

If you need to calculate the planetary positions for a specific use and time, click on this link

To figure out GMT (Greenwich Hateful Time) to your local time use this link

For Your Local Time and Date

Southeastern Hemisphere

The fourth dimension for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Southward America

20 March 2022
08:00 pm GMT 5:00 PM BRT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:00 Aries 11
Moon:02 Scorpio 29
Mercury:18 Pisces 00
Venus:thirteen Aquarius 38
Mars:10 Aquarius 55
Jupiter:18 Pisces 39
Saturn:20 Aquarius 57
Uranus:12 Taurus 21
Neptune:23 Pisces 09
Pluto:28 Capricorn xiii

True Lunar Node:23 Taurus 41 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:25 Taurus 21 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):27 Gemini 13

Chiron:11 Aries 38
Ceres:09 Gemini 36
Pallas:13 Aries 03
Juno:18 Aquarius 31
Vesta:04 Aquarius 47

Eris:24 Aries 05



Southern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Cape Town, South Africa

20 March 2022
03:00 pm GMT v:00 PM SAST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:29 Pisces 59
Moon:29 Libra 34
Mercury:17 Pisces 38
Venus:13 Aquarius 25
Mars:ten Aquarius 45
Jupiter:18 Pisces 36
Saturn:xx Aquarius 56
Uranus:12 Taurus 20
Neptune:23 Pisces 09
Pluto:28 Capricorn 13

True Lunar Node:23 Taurus 42 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:25 Taurus 22 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):27 Gemini 11

Chiron:11 Aries 37
Ceres:09 Gemini 33
Pallas:12 Aries 58
Juno:xviii Aquarius 26
Vesta:04 Aquarius 41

Eris:24 Aries 04



Southwestern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Melbourne, Victoria, Commonwealth of australia

20 March 2022
06:00 am GMT 5:00 PM AEDT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:29 Pisces 36
Moon:24 Libra 21
Mercury:16 Pisces 58
Venus:13 Aquarius 03
Mars:10 Aquarius 28
Jupiter:eighteen Pisces 31
Saturn:20 Aquarius 54
Uranus:12 Taurus xix
Neptune:23 Pisces 08
Pluto:28 Capricorn 12

True Lunar Node:23 Taurus 44 Rx
Hateful Lunar Node:25 Taurus 23 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):27 Gemini 09

Chiron:11 Aries 36
Ceres:09 Gemini 26
Pallas:12 Aries 49
Juno:18 Aquarius 17
Vesta:04 Aquarius 30

Eris:24 Aries 04



Click here for Georgia Nicols' Daily Horoscopes

Moon Warning

There are no restrictions to shopping or of import decisions today. The Moon is in Libra.

Aries (March 21-Apr 19)

For the next four weeks, the Sun will be in your sign pumping your energy and giving you increased drive and confidence! (This happens just one time a yr.) People and favourable situations will be attracted to you. Make the most of this!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Your ambition is strong, and relations with bosses and parents are excellent. You might exist enjoying the company of younger people, groups and organizations. Withal, take some time to contemplate your bellybutton in the side by side few weeks. Arrive touch with your inner thoughts and ideas.

Gemini (May 21-June xx)

Friendships will presume a greater importance to you in the next four weeks. Use this window of time to work and cooperate with others. Socialize extensively and study the people you hang out with, for they are a reflection of yourself.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Once a year, the Sun travels across the top of your chart. That time has arrived. In the next iv weeks, examine your life every bit a whole to see if it'south going in the direction you want. What your long-term goals? What is your life direction?

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're entering the perfect four-calendar week window to facilitate written report and intellectual exploration. Grab every risk to explore new and unfamiliar experiences – annihilation that will broaden your world. Travel, if yous can, so that yous can spread your wings!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

For various reasons, you accept a growing desire to feel life on a feeling level, not just an intellectual abstraction. As such, in the side by side few weeks, you might meet someone who makes you lot practice some soul-searching. You will as well be more interested in shared belongings and the wealth of your partner or someone else.

Libra (Sept. 23-October. 22)

Your focus on close friends and partners will grow in the next four weeks considering the Dominicus will be opposite your sign. (This happens once a year.) Examine your closest relationships to see how to meet the needs of both parties. Enjoy your similarities: respect your differences.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

It's fortunate for you that the next four weeks will bring you a take a chance to get better organized. You lot're back in the saddle again! Information technology's time to repossess control of your life. Do what you tin can to boost your health. Be ready to work according to someone else's needs.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-December. 21)

Lucky yous! The next 4 weeks will bring you more freedom to limited yourself and be who yous really are. Yay me! Amusing diversions, recreations, sports activities, pleasurable times, social outings, vacations and playful times with kids volition be on the card. Romance will sizzle!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

In the next four weeks, welcome whatever opportunity for solitude and so that you tin recall and contemplate. Spend time at habitation and with family to solidify your safe refuge in the globe. Long-term security is important to you. Call up how to secure this for yourself and others.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. eighteen)

The pace of your days will accelerate in the next 4 weeks because yous're busy! Short trips, errands, appointments plus increased reading, writing and studying volition combine to requite y'all a enervating schedule. Speak up about issues that affair. Tell others how you experience nearly things.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March xx)

Y'all volition reflect upon your values more than usual in the next iv weeks. This includes thinking nigh your possessions. For example, practise the things that you own assist you lot or are they a burden? Are you lot hooked most the process of aggregating where more is never plenty? Call back about it.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Extra Rachel Blanchard (1976) shares your birthday today. You are a warm, friendly, caring, empathetic person. Nevertheless, it'south not easy for others to understand who you are. You can be mysterious. This yr is the first twelvemonth of a fresh, new 9-year bike for yous. This means you need to be courageous and enthusiastic so that you are ready to explore new pathways and open any door.

Click hither to read anyone's birthday horoscope from

People Born On March 19: Zodiac Sign Is Pisces

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS March xix, your birthday personality is one of your greatest assets. Your friends think the world of yous, Pisces. You are a devoted team thespian that has a lot of subject field and practicality.

If today is your birthday, you pay close attention to the little things and so you lot tin can hands pick upward on things nearly people take for granted. This is what makes yous a unique Piscean.

The Pisces birthday horoscope for March 19th shows that you lot are loyal to your friends and family members. Yous are intelligent, to say the to the lowest degree. You lot are capable of solving issues with apparent ease.

Those that trust you with their innermost thoughts are people that admire you. Pisceans born on this twenty-four hour period are always thinking of means to bring joy into their loved i'south life.

TheMarch 19th birthdaymeaning shows you, to exist frank, trusting and finely tuned Pisceans. With this connection to your friends and family unit, you receive the same treatment. This is important to you every bit it shows appreciation for your time and efforts.

You have realistic expectations but sometimes, you can baby-sit against those that are stunned past your prudent nature. In those relationships necessary to your environment, you should make an effort to let go of past misunderstandings. If you had a blemish, Pisces, this would exist it. Property on to grudges only affects yous adversely in the long booty.

Equally a lover, people with birthday March xix, you are protective and idealistic. Yous suffer many disappointments because of it. Y'all hope that each relationship volition exist your terminal. Your birthday characteristics show you to be a sentimentalist and while sensitivity is a desirable quality, Pisces, you must stay grounded. Your impulsiveness can give way to called-for bridges and spoiling the compatibility in relationships.

Today's birthday horoscope predicts that information technology is your choice to be successful. You work toward it every mean solar day. Pisces' communication skills are impeccable and you would brand a great fit for leadership positions. You lot could exist responsible for inspiring a student if you so choose to become an educator at your local high school or university.

You could get famous for writing the inaugural spoken language or be a feature editor in some world-renowned mag. You have so many natural talents, Pisces; yous can literally be what you desire to be. It is as like shooting fish in a barrel as endmost your optics and pointing. You can practise it… You are a Pisces!

Overall, March 19th Pisces zodiac birthdays people are cheerful beings. Information technology could be that you choose what thoughts you have. You lot make a choice to remember some things and others, you reinvent. You should not change things that could exist crucial to your history. Information technology is deceitful to exercise so even if the impairment is to yourself.

Pisceans born on this day are mostly physically healthy. Possibly you had some illnesses as a child but accept since grown out of them. The only matter that should business you lot is being partial to alcohol or pills. Yous have a likelihood to take to these things for condolement instead of using them for the purpose they were intended.

TheMarch 19th birthday analysis shows that you every bit a parent, Pisces, have different ideas when it comes to raising your own. Those born on this day may lack sure skills.

You should non exist ashamed. You dear them but requite your children too much rope. Perhaps seeking a residue betwixt artistic freedom and lackadaisical parenting would make educating, preparation, disciplining matters easier.

Those built-in on March 19 are Pisceans that are highly thought of. Although you have a pleasing personality, yous can concur grudges, Pisces. You need to let that become too as reinvent your past to soothe what ails you. Face it… get on with information technology.

The19 March birthday astrology suggests that yous have far to go in this life and fifty-fifty though you are physically in proficient shape, it would exist smart to leave the drinking to some other fish.

Pisces, you want to set a good example for the children, simply practise not know how. There is help out there. Accomplish out for it. You tin can do this! You are capable of finding solutions to everything!

Famous People And Celebrities Born On March xix

Casey Anthony, Bun B, Ahmad Bradshaw, Garrett Clayton, Glenn Shut, Wyatt Earp, Vida Guerra, Jawan Harris, Moms Mabley, Bruce Willis

See:Famous Celebrities Born On March xix

This Day That Yr – March 19 In History

1227 – Count Ugolino of Segna appoints Pope Gregory IX
1644 – To testify loyalty to the Emperor, suicide is committed by 200 members of the Peking royal court
1775 – Italy; subsequently 37 days of being buried by the snowfall, 3 out of 4 people survive
1918 – Daylight saving time becomes effective equally do fourth dimension zones

March 19  Meen Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
March 19 Chinese Zodiac RABBIT

March 19 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Neptunethat symbolizes faith, compassion, sensitivity, and imagination.

March 19 Birthday Symbols

TheTwo Fishes Are The Symbol For The Pisces Zodiac Sign

March xix Altogether Tarot Carte du jour

Your Birth Day Tarot Carte du jour isThe Lord's day. This carte symbolizes illumination, rejuvenation, power, and energy. The Minor Arcana cards are10 of Cups andQueen of Wands

March 19  Birthday Compatibility

You are most uniform with people born netherZodiac Sign Aries : This will exist a passionate and energetic lucifer.
You are not uniform with people born underZodiac  Sign Gemini :The relationship will exist difficult and fail because of difference of opinions.

See As well:

  • Pisces Zodiac Compatibility
  • Pisces And Aries
  • Pisces And Gemini

March 19 Lucky Numbers

Number 1 – This number stands for innovation, pioneer, enthusiasm, and command.
Number iv – This number is an organized, hardworking, uncomplicated and downwardly to globe.

Read near: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For March 19 Birthday

Turquoise: This is a positive color that symbolizes equilibrium, faith, trust, elegance and intuition.
Orange: This is a color associated with activity, vigor, enjoyment, and optimism.

Lucky Days For March nineteen Birthday

Th – This twenty-four hours ruled byJupiterstands for vigor, free energy, activity and plentiful.
Sunday – This mean solar day ruled pastDominicusstands for conclusion, power, willpower, and independence.

March 19 Birthstone Aquamarine

Aquamarine is a soothing gemstone that helps you meditate securely and improve spiritual consciousness.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On The 19th Of March:

A hand made photograph frame for the man and a quirky T-shirt for the woman.

Yous can use this link to become forwards or backward in time for Moon phase information. If you are curious, you tin even find out what phase the Moon was in when you lot or anyone else was born.


Today and this night the Moon will be in a Waning Gibbous Phase. This is the first phase subsequently the Full Moon occurs. It lasts roughly vii days with the Moon'south illumination growing smaller each day until the Moon becomes a Concluding Quarter Moon with an illumination of 50%. The average Moon ascent for this phase is between 9pm and Midnight depending on the age of the phase. The moon rises later and later on each night setting after sunrise in the morning. During this phase the Moon can also be seen in the early morning time daylight hours on the western horizon.

Visit the March 2022 Moon Phases Calendar to see all the daily moon stage for this calendar month.

Today's Waning Gibbous Phase

The Waning Gibbous on March 19 has an illumination of 98%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly irresolute and tin can vary up to 10% a solar day. On March nineteen the Moon is xv.99 days quondam. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and become through the lunar cycle of all viii Moon phases.

The 8 Lunar Phases

In that location are 8 lunar phases the Moon goes through in its 29.53 days lunar wheel. The 4 major Moon phases are Full Moon, New Moon, First Quarter and Last Quarter. Between these major phases, at that place are 4 minor ones: the Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Gibbous and Waning Crescent. For more than info on the Moon Cycle and on each stage check out Wikipedia Lunar Phase page.

Phase Details

Stage: Waning Gibbous
Illumination: 98%
Moon Historic period: fifteen.99 days
Moon Angle: 0.53
Moon Distance: 377,499.47 km
Sun Bending: 0.54
Sun Distance: 148,966,088.97 km

Useful Moon Resource

Check the atmospheric condition earlier a dark of Moon gazing at

For a list of all the current meteor showers visit American Falling star Society.

If yous want to summate the planetary positions for a specific use and time, click on this link

To figure out GMT (Greenwich Hateful Time) for your local fourth dimension utilise this link

For Your Local Fourth dimension and Date

Northwestern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Los Angeles, California, USA

March 19, 2022
eleven:00 pm GMT 4:00 PM PDT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Dominicus:29 Pisces 19
Moon:xx Libra 18
Mercury:xvi Pisces 27
Venus:12 Aquarius 46
Mars:10 Aquarius 15
Jupiter:18 Pisces 26
Saturn:twenty Aquarius 52
Uranus:12 Taurus 18
Neptune:23 Pisces 07
Pluto:28 Capricorn 12

Truthful Lunar Node:23 Taurus 45 Rx
Hateful Lunar Node:25 Taurus 24 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):27 Gemini 07

Chiron:11 Aries 35
Ceres:09 Gemini xx
Pallas:12 Aries 42
Juno:18 Aquarius 11
Vesta:04 Aquarius 22

Eris:24 Aries 04


Mutable:half dozen

Northern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Chicago, Illinois, USA

March xix, 2022
09:00 pm GMT 4:00 PM CDT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:29 Pisces 14
Moon:xix Libra 09
Mercury:16 Pisces eighteen
Venus:12 Aquarius 41
Mars:10 Aquarius 12
Jupiter:18 Pisces 25
Saturn:20 Aquarius 51
Uranus:12 Taurus xviii
Neptune:23 Pisces 07
Pluto:28 Capricorn 12

True Lunar Node:23 Taurus 46 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:25 Taurus 24 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):27 Gemini 06

Chiron:11 Aries 35
Ceres:09 Gemini 19
Pallas:12 Aries 40
Juno:xviii Aquarius 09
Vesta:04 Aquarius 20

Eris:24 Aries 04



Northeastern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Fr ankfurt, Germany, Europe

March 19, 2022
03:00 pm GMT 4:00 PM CEST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:28 Pisces 59
Moon:15 Libra 42
Mercury:15 Pisces 52
Venus:12 Aquarius 26
Mars:10 Aquarius 00
Jupiter:18 Pisces 22
Saturn:20 Aquarius l
Uranus:12 Taurus 17
Neptune:23 Pisces 06
Pluto:28 Capricorn 12

True Lunar Node:23 Taurus 47 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:25 Taurus 25 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):27 Gemini 05

Chiron:11 Aries 34
Ceres:09 Gemini 14
Pallas:12 Aries 34
Juno:18 Aquarius 03
Vesta:04 Aquarius 13

Eris:24 Aries 04



Tarot Card

From – Deviant Moon Tarot Deck

7 of Swords

Menu of Contents

I. The Clarification of Seven of Swords Deviant Moon Tarot

Two. The full general significant of Seven of Swords Deviant Moon Tarot

3. The reversed pregnant of Vii of Swords Deviant Moon Tarot

IV. The guideline of Seven of Swords Deviant Moon Tarot


From The Rune Site – Gothic Runes


Audio: "th"
Stands for: Thorn
Casting significant: Thauris is a rune of defence, like the thorn it can resist an assault without a fight. The rune Thyth represents the power of enclosure and has the strength to breakdown disorder and chaos.

Witch's Rune


The Crossed Spears

Keywords: Arguments, negativity.

Meanings: The Crossed Spears is a rune that signifies arguments and negative events. Often this tin can exist of an upsetting nature, rather like the Tower menu in the tarot. It is not all bad though. If it is near to a positive rune it may indicate the end of a quarrel and healing. Peculiarly if information technology lies well-nigh the Rings. This rune could hateful a promotion at piece of work, or a fast recovery if y'all're ill.



Defense, backbone, decisiveness, action that must be taken, confrontation

Tree: Holly (Ilex spp.)

Letter of the alphabet: T

Decisive activeness, victory. Setting hard limits. Rising above petty disputes and thereby overcoming them. Understanding the opposing force and reacting only when the time is right: the art of war. We are ever at war with outside forces, whether it is advertisers trying to worm their way inside our heads with television and media or others trying to impose their conventionalities systems on us out of insecurity and the fact misery loves company. Tinne is security without overconfidence. Know yourself an defend your boundaries.

Tinne indicates that yous have to accept a defensive position or mayhap an entire defense strategy. For those of us who detest confrontation, Tinne presents a familiar dread of beingness cornered. We are given no option but to fight. For instance, you may exist called upon to defend a defenseless person, possibly with words or stronger stuff. Perhaps y'all are trying to attain a situation or a affair you desire — a graduation, severance from a toxic individual or group, the completion of a project — and you take to fight confronting the tide to go far happen. Tinne tin can pop up in situations where other people human action completely indecently and you are forced into either addressing it with them or taking action to avoid them.

Seeing Tinne equally all negative is oversimplifying information technology. Tinne is honest. It tells yous that yous may have a confrontation and in doing so, you will accept to confront your own fears of losing, being powerless, or pissing somebody off.

Tinne says drawing limits is important: nobody is entitled to you or your fourth dimension except maybe the children yous chose to be parents to and your companion animals. Everybody else will merely have to wait.

Questions to ask when y'all depict Tinne:
-Recall three times of challenge in your life where y'all had no pick just to go on the defence force.
-Is there anything/anyone who is forcing you onto the warpath right now?

Tinne ill-dignified excess: Overly defensive
Being overly defensive results from anxiety. Is your anxiety based in reality because of the actual attacks from forces around you? If you are picking fights, learn to accost the types of fatigue and anxiety that cause you to do this rather than looking for someone else to arraign or retreating into a hard beat out. Wanting to destroy the force that's harassing you is human; it is those who the imagery out of their heads and deed out the destruction who become monsters. As long equally you don't exercise this, y'all are normal and don't demand to worry. Don't act out of injure. Think about what causes you hurting. Strategize before taking action.

Tinne ill-dignified dearth: In need of defenses
Non knowing yourself or low self-esteem may be taking the form that y'all remember y'all're in no danger of being permanently harmed. Looking for the bright side can be helpful but information technology can too be profoundly naive. Giving a terrible person a 2d, third, and fourth adventure is foolish. You already know the issue. Apply discipline, including forms of self-subject field such equally practice and hygiene. Put boundaries in place in club to protect yourself and your loved ones. Don't let other people walk all over you. You lot have important piece of work to exercise and you demand fourth dimension to practice it.

I Ching

Click hither for more detailed information near Hexagram 30

Hexagram Xxx/30

Li / Igniting

Fire sparks more Flames:
The Superior Person holds an inner Fire that ignites passion in every middle information technology touches, until all the earth is enlightened and aflame.

With so searing a flame, success will non be denied you lot.
Take care to be as peaceful and nurturing equally the moo-cow in the meadow; you are strong enough to exist gentle.

State of affairs ANALYSIS:

A Promethean flame is delivering low-cal and heat to the state of affairs at hand.
This radiance will cause such an alchemical transformation of circumstances that the changes volition seem magical, miraculous.
Yet they are only shifts of perspective and attitude that bring clarity.
The passions kindled by this burn must be harnessed and used judiciously, or they threaten to consume your hopes and dreams.




It is advice and creativity. It is a loftier octave 3. Information technology has a slap-up sense of sense of humor, is jovial and warm, but also a bit superficial. Easily distracted, lacks staying power.

Angel Number

Click for more data nearly Angel Number 30 from


Angel Number 30: Meaning and Interpretation

If yous keep watching Angel Number 30, the angels are trying to tell you something important in your life.

You asked for aid from the holy globe, and the respond is angel number 30.

And your role now is to decipher the meaning of angel number 30 and use that advice in your life.

Affections number 30 says that it'south time for angels and ascended masters to call back about your success and accomplishment.

Be grateful for the benefits and wonderful riches you have in life and embrace the luck and the love and support from the angels you deserve.

The meaning of angel number thirty …

Animal Spirit Guide and/or Animal Spirit Helper

Click here to read more than nearly the spiritual pregnant of the Grunter from


In modern times, the symbolism of the squealer is quite uncertain. While this animal is respected by some for the nourishment information technology provides, it is a symbol of gluttony and greed to others.

Many people dislike beingness associated with the qualities of the pig. Nonetheless, things take non always been this style.

For case, ancient Mesopotamians looked at the grunter equally a symbol of wealth, abundance, and plenty. Those who endemic pigs knew that they'd be able to have care of all their needs.

In aboriginal Egypt, the squealer was considered a symbol of versatility, resilience, and patience. This animal tin consume only about anything.

The ancient Egyptians saw this equally a lesson on the importance of beingness flexible. One must exist ready to cover changes as they happen.

In the West, the pig was seen as a symbol of prosperity. In all likelihood, the concept of the 'piggy bank' arose from this.

The meaning and symbolism of the domestic pig is closely related to that of wild boars. Wild boars are known for their tenacity, determination, and …

Crevice the Cookie

Wisdom of Buddha

Witchcraft Symbols Oracle Cards

Every Deck Is Hand Drawn by Lady Beltane

No two decks have exactly the same picture as shown here. Keep in listen these are the prototype drawings done using a mouse the actual decks are drawn by mitt. Lady Beltane also wrote the full general meaning of every carte du jour.

This tin come into your life in many different forms, equally well as y'all can bring honey to someone else. This carte du jour does not necessarily hateful a romantic type of love. Simply open up yourself up to the gift of love someone is offering to you.


Planet: Saturn

Chemical element: World, Burn down

Gender: Female person

Deities: Cronos, Fates, Hecate, Loki, Saturn

Colors: Royal, Blackness, Maroon, Dark Colors, Indigo

Crystals: Apache Tear, Blackness Onyx, Coal, Coral, Hematite, Jet, Lead, Obsidian, Pewter, Table salt, Serpentine, Smoky Quartz, Tourmaline

Herbs & Plants: Amaranth, Beet, Belladonna, Boneset, Comfrey, Cypress, Hellebore, Hemlock, Hemp, Ivy, Mimosa, Morning Glory, Mullein, Quince, Skullcap, Glace Elm, Thyme

Incenses: Cypress, Myrrh, Patchouli, Saturn Oil

Energies & Associations: Agriculture, Anticipation, Banishment, Binding, Boundaries, Caution, Cleansing, Creativity, Cursing, Destruction of All that Does Non Serve, Elderly Care, Endings, Exorcism, Fortune, Freedom, Hexing, Hidden Matters, Hope, Limitations, Locating Lost Items or People, Longevity, Meditation, Overcoming Obstacles, Protection, Psychic Defense force, Revealing Truth, Self-Field of study, Spiritual Advice


Planet – Saturn

Spells/Magic – binding, debts, discovery, justice, karma, protection, longevity, endings, home

Magical aspects: longevity, exorcism, endings, apprehension, thrift, circumspection, and limitations.

Oils – Blackness Orchid, Hyacinth, Iris, Juniper,

Plants and trees – black helleborn,garden nightshade,blackthorn tree,cypress tree,hedge bindweed,hemlock.ivy,morning time glory,mullein,snowdrop,marigold,Rosemarry,Rue,Rowan tree, yew tree, holly tree.

Stones – Obsidian, onyx,black pearl

Colours – black, grey, red, white, dark-brown, blue

Metal -Lead

Free energy Type – Female

Dieties – dedicated to the shadowy Anglo-Saxon god Saetere, the equivalent to the Roman Saturn, and the Greek Cronos. It is as well associated with the Norns, the Norse equivalent of the 3 Fates, and the Trickster-god, Loki.

Sabbatum is the best time to deal with such matters as: Bounden, Patience, Stability, Neutralization, Textile Gain, Protection, Karma, Death, Manifestation, Structure's, Reality, Laws of society, Limits, Obstacles, Tests, Handwork, Real Estate, Dentists, Basic, Teeth, Farm Workers, Sacrifice, Separation, Stalkers, Murderers, Criminals, Ceremonious Servants, Justice, Math'due south, Plumbing, Joint Money Matters, Wills, Debts, Financing, Real Manor, Discoveries, Transformation and Relations with Older People.


Celestial influence – Saturn

Color correspondences – black, dark greyness, indigo

Herb correspondences – black poppy seeds, mullein, myrrh

Misc. influences – discipline, life, building, doctrine, protection, liberty, elderly, destroying diseases and pests


Archangel Cassiel (Oriphiel) –"Speed of God"

Cassiel is associated with the planet Saturn and with taking responsibleness, taking activity, and getting more counterbalanced and grounded.

Know as "The Father of Time" or the Archangel of Time, Cassiel which comes from the Hebrew give-and-take: Kafziel meaning "Speed of God" tin can assist with healing forth the lines of time, aligning with the Divine nature of time… And accessing the hidden secrets and mysteries of the universe held within and exterior of time itself.

Sabbatum & The Perfect Corresponding Spells

Sat is the sixth mean solar day of the workweek. It's officially the weekend. Some encounter information technology as one of the luckiest days for gambling. It's i of those days where y'all tin do what you need around your habitation and relax, as well. You can take intendance of a piddling business, then, reap the rewards. It's a really good day to do collect, courage, reap, gamble, and practice spells.

Collect Spells – Collect My Debt Spell

Items needed:
1 canvass of newspaper
1 pen or pencil
i greyness ribbon
ane white candle
1 penny
1 canteen of gum
1 lighter or match
Low-cal a white candle and shut your eyes. Call back well-nigh the money that is owed to you lot and how you feel about that situation. If yous are aroused at the person who owes you money, get rid of that acrimony now. Get the canvass of paper, bottle of glue, and a penny, and identify them in front of yous. Now, write down how much is owed to you on the sheet of newspaper. After that, below where you wrote the figure, mucilage the penny to the paper. Let the glue to dry out. Without breaking the penny from the paper, roll the paper upwardly and tie the grey ribbon around it. Place the roll you just made under your bed. Soon, you should be able to collect the debt. Once you collect the debt, remove the penny, give it away, and discard the scroll.

Courage Spells – Backbone Bracelet Spell

Items yous will need:
ane human foot of orange yarn
3 white jewelry chaplet
1 pinch of orange peel spice
ii ounces of warm water

Make full a glass with two ounces of warm water. Add together a pinch of orange peel. Allow this soak for an hour. And then, soak the orangish strand of yarn for nigh 30 minutes. Take out the yarn, discard the water, and manus the yarn out to dry. In one case it has dried, cord the three beads onto the yarn. Lastly, tie the yarn around your wrist and cut off the excess. From this moment on, whenever yous feel scared, look at the bracelet and you should feel courageous.

Hazard Spells – Nickel Flip Spell

Items you volition need for this spell:
ane nickel
Your hands
Put a nickel in your hands and milk shake information technology effectually. Say this chant 3 times, as you proceed to milkshake information technology effectually:

"A nickel for my bet
Ameliorate for my mitt
I'm sure to pick a winner.
For which it stands."

When you are done saying this chant, take the nickel, flip it, and think of a "YES" or "NO" gambling question. If the nickel lands on heads, the answer is "YES." If the nickel lands on tails, the answer is "NO."

A Witch'south Week of Spells and Activities
Helga C. Loueen

Discover the cosmos! Each day a dissimilar image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, forth with a cursory caption written by a professional astronomer.

2022 March nineteen

2MASS J17554042+6551277

Paradigm Credit : NASA, STScI, JWST

Explanation:2MASS J17554042+6551277 doesn't exactly roll off the tongue but that's the proper name, a coordinate-based itemize designation, of the star centered in this sharp field of view. Fans of the distant universe should go used to its spiky advent though. The diffraction blueprint is created past the 18 hexagonal mirror segments of the James Webb Infinite Telescope. Afterwards unfolding, the segments have now been adjusted to achieve a diffraction limited alignment at infrared wavelengths while operating in concert as a single 6.five meter diameter primary mirror. The resulting image taken past Webb'due south NIRcam demonstrates their precise alignment is the best physics will allow. 2MASS J17554042+6551277 is about 2,000 light-years away and well inside our ain galaxy. Merely the galaxies scattered across the background of the Webb telescope alignment evaluation image are likely billions of lite-years distant, far beyond the Milky Fashion.

Altar Organization:

My chantry near always contains the following tools at minimum:
God and Goddess candle or representation
Incense – I usually utilize Cinnamon for Mabon
Small Cauldron containing Salt
Gemstones as needed
Candles equally needed

Circle Casting:

(Note:  I light incense and altar candles earlier this part of the ritual)

Hail to you Spirits of the Northward and the power of Air,
I exercise summon, stir and call yous up to witness these rites and to guard this sacred space.

Hail to yous Spirits of the Due east and the power of Earth,
I do summon, stir and call you up to witness these rites and to guard this sacred space.

Hail to you Spirits of the Southward and the power of Fire,
I do summon, stir and telephone call you up to witness these rites and to guard this sacred infinite.

Hail to you Spirits of the Westward and the ability of Water,
I practice summon, stir and telephone call you up to witness these rites and to guard this sacred space.

This sacred circle is cast
between future and past.

As above, so below,
The circle is made whole.

And then mote it be!

At this time I volition be invite my personal guides – both known and unknown


They who are called by many names, I accolade you!

Father God, come join with me!
This night, I offer thanks for the blessings you have given me.
and for the sacrifice You take made for my do good.
I mourn for You and rejoice in Your rebirth to come.
Fall'south grain is Spring'southward seed.

Mother Goddess, come join with me!
Tonight I offer thanks for the blessings to come.
As sunlight wanes and shadow grows,
I gloat your mysteries.
With death comes new life.

Now I will offer a prayer of personal thanks to the Deities.


Equally this is the fourth dimension of the autumnal equinox, I volition focus on achieving remainder.

Raising and directing ability:
I will exist releasing negative self paradigm by writing our my self hatred and called-for the paper.  Afterwards, I volition be raising power for healing myself and others I know who are in need.  When I have directed the power to information technology's purpose, I will globe the power.

Thanking the Deities:
Mother Goddess, Male parent God,
Who created All and are All
I thank you for your presence here
and for the blessings you have bestowed on me!
May Your love stay with me now and evermore.

I will now thank my personal guides.

Opening the circumvolve:

Spirits of Air, Globe, Fire and Water,
Become if you must or stay if you volition.
I humbly thank thee for your presence tonight!
Though the circumvolve is open, it remains unbroken.
As To a higher place, So Below.
So I take said.
So mote it exist.

You can use this link to go forward or backward in fourth dimension for Moon phase information. If you are curious, y'all tin can even observe out what stage the Moon was in when you or anyone else was born.


Today and this evening the Moon will be in a Waning Gibbous Phase. This is the beginning phase later the Full Moon occurs. It lasts roughly 7 days with the Moon's illumination growing smaller each day until the Moon becomes a Terminal Quarter Moon with an illumination of 50%. The average Moon rise for this stage is between 9pm and Midnight depending on the age of the phase. The moon rises later and later each nighttime setting after sunrise in the morning. During this phase the Moon can as well be seen in the early forenoon daylight hours on the western horizon.

Visit the March 2022 Moon Phases Agenda to see all the daily moon phase for this calendar month.

Today's Waning Gibbous Phase

The Waning Gibbous on March nineteen has an illumination of 98%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and tin vary up to 10% a twenty-four hours. On March nineteen the Moon is xv.99 days one-time. This refers to how many days it has been since the terminal New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases.

The viii Lunar Phases

There are 8 lunar phases the Moon goes through in its 29.53 days lunar cycle. The 4 major Moon phases are Total Moon, New Moon, First Quarter and Concluding Quarter. Betwixt these major phases, there are 4 minor ones: the Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Gibbous and Waning Crescent. For more info on the Moon Bike and on each phase cheque out Wikipedia Lunar Stage page.

Phase Details

Phase: Waning Gibbous
Illumination: 98%
Moon Age: xv.99 days
Moon Angle: 0.53
Moon Altitude: 377,499.47 km
Sun Angle: 0.54
Sun Distance: 148,966,088.97 km

Useful Moon Resources

Check the weather condition before a nighttime of Moon gazing at

For a listing of all the electric current meteor showers visit American Meteor Society


At the time of the Spring Equinox, or Ostara, the Alder is flourishing on riverbanks, roots in the water, bridging that magical infinite betwixt both heaven and world. The Alder calendar month, calledFearn by the Celts, and pronouncedfairin, is a time for making spiritual decisions, magic relating to prophecy and divination, and getting in bear on with your own intuitive processes and abilities. Alder flowers and twigs are known as charms to be used in Faerie magic. Whistles were in one case made out of Alder shoots to call upon Air spirits, then information technology'south an ideal wood for making a piping or flute if you're musically inclined.


Alder tree in Celtic mythology – balanced betwixt male and female –

Fearn, F – The alder represents the 3rd letter of the ogham alphabet 'Fearn' and the 4th month in the Celtic tree calendar.

In Celtic mythology, the alder tree was symbolic of a balance between female and male principles since information technology possesses both female and male catkins on the same branch.

The alder is a member of the birch family generally found near streams, rivers, lakes and wetlands. Information technology is known for creating a fertile, lush environs for surrounding animal and plant life.

Tree of fairies for the ancient druids

The druids also associated the tree with courage and the evolving spirit, and linked information technology with decease and resurrection. This belief was shared in Austria too, where the wood of the alder was idea to make the dead come back to life.

Alder forest good for building

The sap, leaves and bawl of the alder were all used to make dyes; green from the leaves, cherry-red from the sap and brown from the bark. The dyes were often used to tan leather. Forest of the alder is flexible and resistant to the rotting effects of h2o.

Due to these qualities it was oft used to build bridges, pipes, milk pales and pilings for causeways across marshlands. Parts of Venice were built on alder pilings.

In medicine, the alder leaves and bark, which contain tannins, were used every bit an antiseptic and an severe to treat pare wounds, rashes and swollen glands.

Co-ordinate to the Woodland League of Republic of ireland, the value of the alder to the Irish in the past was for making clogs, masts of ships and shields. Alder wood was particularly impressive as a shield.

It is so hard that if an opponent buried his axe in the shield, he would find it almost incommunicable to withdraw it. This would render him defenceless and an easier target to attack.

The alder supports more than 70 different insects, many of them specific to the alder, significant they tin't survive on some other tree.

Discover more than about the alder in this video from the Irish Woodland League